This Webquest is one part of our larger study of energy.
To review, we have already explored a number of ideas about energy:
- Why we need energy -- the many ways we use energy every day.
- There are a number of different sources and forms of energy that supply our everyday use.
- All energy eventually can be traced back to the sun.
- There are pros and cons to using each form of energy. These involve issues about cost, human safety, and environmental impact for/from:
In this Webquest, you will explore the controversial issue of hydraulic fracturing (known as "fracking") to obtain natural gas.
Your Task:
To organize information as you go, make a 2-column note-sheet, labeled PRO and CON at the top of the columns. Use the guiding questions to help you identify and record key information on both sides of this issue.
To see how your work will be evaluated, click here to view the assessment rubric.
To review, we have already explored a number of ideas about energy:
- Why we need energy -- the many ways we use energy every day.
- There are a number of different sources and forms of energy that supply our everyday use.
- All energy eventually can be traced back to the sun.
- There are pros and cons to using each form of energy. These involve issues about cost, human safety, and environmental impact for/from:
- getting the energy
- using the energy
- disposing of waste related to the first two
In this Webquest, you will explore the controversial issue of hydraulic fracturing (known as "fracking") to obtain natural gas.
Your Task:
- Complete the webquest by working through the step-by-step instructions and answering the guiding questions on each of the pages, Part 1 through Part 6. (Don't worry -- there are lots of parts just to break it up into more manageable pieces).
- At the end of your webquest research, you will need to rate hydraulic fracking on a scale of 1-10 to represent the extent to which you recommend this source of energy for America.
To organize information as you go, make a 2-column note-sheet, labeled PRO and CON at the top of the columns. Use the guiding questions to help you identify and record key information on both sides of this issue.
To see how your work will be evaluated, click here to view the assessment rubric.
Buckle your seatbelt and prepare for some turbulence! This webquest is not recommended for students who prefer mundane, traditional, or predictable activities! To start, click on Step 1 at the top of this page, or just click HERE. |